Publish in Order to Lose Your SELF

Publishing, at its core, is an act of giving. It is a transcendence of the ego, willingly surrendering the individual self to the greater whole. This act can be viewed as a form of altruism, sharing one’s thoughts, experiences, and insights as a service to others.

Choosing to lose your SELF by sharing personal or significant work can be an empowering experience. It requires courage to be vulnerable, and to expose your work to public scrutiny. This process, while daunting, can lead to personal growth, resilience, and a stronger sense of identity forged through the feedback and interactions that follow.

The shadow side of this imperative warns of the potential loss of authenticity. The desire to cater to popular demand or trends may tempt an individual or collective to alter or dilute their true voice.

Publishing exposes the risk of being misunderstood, misrepresented, or even attacked. This can lead to personal distress, affecting one’s mental and emotional well-being. It is a reminder of the vulnerability inherent in the act of sharing oneself with the world. To lose oneself in the act of publishing can also refer to the erosion of privacy in the digital age. The more you share, the more the public feels entitled to access all facets of your life. This constant sense of being watched or judged blurs the boundary between public persona and private self.